Meh, I've been slacking…

We packed up the house and moved across an ocean. Nonetheless I've still had plenty of time to work on Jottpad - in fact I should be more focused on it than before since this is my only "job" at the moment.

Apple has started rejecting apps using the UDID (Unique Device Identifier). This is most likely in response to recent security and privacy concerns. Ad & data gathering services relied heavily upon this UDID for tracking user and device usage.

Jottpad uses the UDID for syncing to a specific device. This way you can have multiple devices registered under one email address and the syncing / sharing services keep track of device state. Jottpad never used the UDID for any other purposes and it was definitely not shared with any 3rd parties.

What does this have to do with me slacking? Well a new version of Jottpad has been in the works for months. However with this recent change to disallow UDID I've finally been motivated to get the new release out the door and update Jottpad to now longer use UDIDs.

Expect a new Jottpad about every 6 weeks - no more slacking!

AuthorRichard Hochstetler